Human Growth (Writing Intensive) (PSY 2011)
Term: 2016 Fall
Office Hours by appointment.
Thu, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM (9/7/2016 - 12/17/2016) Location: MLTN LABRC C208
This course provides a summary of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development from birth to death. Major theorists in the field of human development are studied and critiqued, and the contradictions of their theories are highlighted. The important tasks for each period of development are examined. Students also look closely at the inter-relationship between physical, cognitive, and psychological changes in each period of life. Students will be required to apply theoretical concepts to personal experience as part of the process of evaluating the validity of those concepts. As one of the aims of the College is to prepare health professionals for evidence-based practice, research skills are reinforced in this course. Students will be required to demonstrate what they have learned by producing a set of significant, thesis-driven written products. Students who successfully complete PSY 2011 are not required to take RES 1010.Prerequisites: PSY 1010, ENG 1010