
Course Information

Introduction to Patient Care (RTT 1200)

Term: 2014-15 Academic Year Spring


Wed, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM (1/12/2015 - 4/25/2015) Location: MLTN LABRC C307


Comprehensive exploration of patient care techniques including detection and prevention, blood values, patient assessment, nutrition, skin care regiments, infection control and support services. An explanation of radiological and digital imaging as it relates to radiation therapy and identification of body landmarks when simulating and treating radiation oncology patients.
Investigation of diagnostic technologies and their use in radiation therapy. At the conclusion of this course the student will: perform aseptic technique; be knowledgeable of contrast media and contraindications; recognize normal and abnormal vital signs; recite normal and abnormal ranges of blood values in patient receiving radiation therapy; be able to evaluate a patients? nutritional status and make recommendations; and demonstrate radiology concepts including exposure factors, imaging quality and film processing.
Requisite Course(s): ANA112 (prior to or concurrent with course)
Prerequisite Course(s): ANA101, R