
Course Information

RA-Clinical Education IV (RTT 224C)

Term: 2018 Spring


Mon, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (1/8/2018 - 4/21/2018) Location: MLTN LABRC
Tue-Wed, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (1/8/2018 - 4/21/2018) Location: MLTN LABRC


Active participation in the clinical setting with development of the skills and knowledge necessary to accurately deliver the planning course or radiation therapy with the supervision of the clinical supervisor. At the conclusion of this course the student will meet clinical requirements as stated in the Radiation Therapy handbook.
Prerequisite Course(s): RTT101, RTT102, RTT103, RTT104, RTT112, RTT113, RTT114, CLPRI, RTT201, RTT202, RTT203